Wednesday, June 29, 2011

my bad...

So the whole limiting sweets... not going over too well. I am currently eating a chocolate cashew cookie sweetened with agave. I RARELY consume agave and try to avoid all artificial sweeteners. There is a whole lot of stuff on agave just like there is on soy... make of it what you will. So I got this cookie from VegaDeli... its almost too good, then again, what chocolate isn't? It could be the worst cookie ever, and if it is made of chocolate I'm still going to eat like four... no joke... that is why I no longer make double chocolate chip cookies. They suck and I still eat the whole batch, I will never learn. I should probably post a pic now otherwise I will never get to it... buttttt o well...!!!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


One of my dad's friends opened up a frozen yogurt store like pinkberry or froyo. She has been kind enough  to provide a vegan option, as well as oreo crumbles for toppings.

Meet pineapple sorbet with coconut, oreos, nuts, and raspberries! Your argument that vegans can't enjoy themselves out of the house has been thoroughly disproven!

So... I made the rest of the cupcakes... I realized, the thinner the batter, the longer the cooking time. Interesting. So I think I am taking a break from sweets for a while. I need to lower my glycemic index. I'm not actually sure if that is how it works, but it sounded good.

I am currently making some rice, beans, onions, hummus, flax, hemp oil... and God knows what else I find. On the topic of God. People think I say "Oh my God" too much... Really I only say it because I want to include God in on that moment. Like today, I was driving and a bird was low swooping, I was scared I was going to hit it. I said "Oh my God" I didn't have time for a prayer or to even think, but God was looking out. It is like a mini-prayer and inviting God into every situation.
Anyway, it feels so freeing not having my facebook. I almost feel like I am back in olden times... lol riiiiight. But seriously... without facebook, texting, and phones... how else do you get a hold of people in a reasonable time frame? I don't know how....

I also worked out today, it feels very freeing working out too. I dance. I love it, I get tired but I am having so much fun I don't care... you don't hear people saying that about running or weight lifting... they hate it... they just enjoy it because it is all they know... it is theirs. I love sweating... I love dancing. So I am getting a smidge (I wish) closer to deciding what I want to be) I am settling on business. I need to limit my choices, and business is still a VERY broad area. The three main things I am thinking now: some general form of business, law, opening my own shop. More than likely I will go into law or some general form of business. It is the "safe" choice. But I haven't always been that "safe" girl. Sure, I don't take risks... like ever... no seriously I'm wary of the stock market... I drive like I'm 80... I don't break laws or even guidelines... I'm extremely straight-edge. Too bad my mom thinks I'm some drug dealing hooker... I always think it is funny that the good kids get reprimanded and the bad ones parents don't give a damn. I guess that is why they are the bad kids.

I got my audio recorder from my sister. I want to start documenting my life. I used to love my dad's old recorder, it was the size of a walkman, remember those? My aunt had one... I had this great idea for one that connected to the internet where you could listen to all sorts of music... meet the iphone... anyway, being a lawyer my dad uses his for recording trial stuff I guess... it always made me feel so professional hearing my voice next to my dads. I was always so shocked at the way my voice sounded. It sounded the way it has always sounded, I always feel like my voice has been the same, a personal narrative of sorts. I still disagree with my voice, but it's better. Anyway, my dinner is finally ready, nummmmnumnum!!! yes I am eating at 8:30 lol It has raw onions in it, I love their burn. I remember one night I was so desperate to binge I ate a whole raw baby onion...simply because it was in front of me lol Anyway, here is a pic of dinner tonight:
sorry... phone pic : /

Monday, June 27, 2011

Facebook and cupcakes

So... this is the first time since 2006 that I have deleted my facebook for some reason other than lent. I just don't think it is a valuable allocation of my time anymore. We will see how this goes. I kind of want to start writing again, but eh who knows... writing takes a lot of time that I don't have...

So, this past weekend was pride weekend and the vegan bakesale. I met a TON of new people, networked, and met this amazing boy! His name is Chris, he is raw and has great aspirations for his future. He gave me  cookies... how sweet?!?!?

I made cupcakes for the bakesale... they took forever, I only got two hours of sleep that night and I ended up getting sick... still sick actually... anyway.... school is going alright halfway done!!! SOOO CLOSE!

Anyway, that is all for now!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Frenchly Toast : )

I made vegan french bread and pizzas the other day at my aunts house. She won a free in-home cooking tutorial from an auction and they actually made pizza's just for me! The dough's were actually already vegan. Anyway, we didn't eat all the bread right away (go-figure) and it went stale (even more go-figure) so what else could I do with it but make french toast!! I Iphone googled a vegan french toast recipe and just kind of eyeballed it.

3/4 cup of organic almond milk
dash/ish of cinnamon (per taste)
some sugar
3ish tablespoons of flour (I used whole wheat pastry flour)

The first go-round I did NOT use an oil, I used a bit of smart balance light w/ flax (vegan) but it did not FRY it... it was a little soggy but I also loaded the bread in batter.
The second go round I used some oil, and uhhh set off the smoke alarm because it was smoking so much... anyone know how to prevent that? Clearly I am still a novice lol! But they turned out great both times, today they could have used a lot more batter and idk... it just didn't seem like french toast, maybe because I had never actually had french toast with french bread. Who knows.... I loaded it with maple syrup and powdered sugar and dusted with cinnamon for good measure, you could add berries and more sugar for more measure... but that's more calories, and we didn't have berries.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Choco Chip Cookies

Ok, so I totally aced this one! I decided I was sick of making health food cookies and splurged. I used the full amount of oil called for. EW I know.... but soooo yummy! I was inspired after noshing on SweetArt's Main Event (a vegan choco chip) I 1/4thed the recipe and only made 4 cookies. They were soooo amazing! I got the recipe from the Cookie Connoisseur by Kelly Peloza.

Here is the Main Event

Here is my cookie (sorry my camera is out of battery so my phone will have to do!) 
I used semi-sweet and dark choco-chips. They spread out a LOT and were very thin and delicious, this next batch, which I plan to make tonight, I will do half oil/half applesauce

Here is a picture of me red-riding-hood-ing it to my grandmothers!! 

I am on the search to make the best choco-chip cookie ever, I will make updates and progress. I plan on trying all the different recipes I find, perfecting them one by one, then choosing my favorite!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Avacado bean tacos

I made dinner tonight for the first time in a while. I wanted tacos, and would have used some fake meat but did not for two reasons. 1) I am trying to be more healthy, natural and holistic (psh good luck!) 2) My mom's boyfriend is an omni and didn't want fake meat. So I made these with bean. I would like to point out that a lot of my cooking recipes (unless otherwise specified) I make up on my own based on my taste preferences at the moment and what I think would taste and feel good in my mouth! (ok that might have taken it too far, know I debated deleting it...) So you will need! (and because I make these up feel free to add anything {cruelty free} that you would like to them!)

This made about 7 tacos (I used the boxed ones that are pretty tiny, so it really didn't make much)

Onion (however much you think you'd like, cooking is all about trusting your taste buds!)
Garlic (I used one clove)
Black beans (I used nearly a whole can)
I used a Hemp vinaigrette as an oil (adds omega-3's)
I also added two splashes of lime juice to give it a more cajun feel
I added dashes of ground cumin and ground red pepper
Then I soft and hard shells
I added garlic hummus to the actual tortilla on the soft shells and on top like sour cream in the hard shells.
Then topped with avocado wedges and lettuce shreds!!

Photos to come!

Monday, June 6, 2011


I am cutest vegetarian alive 2011! I am so excited and blessed. Today has been an amazing whirlwind of excitement and it still feels soo surreal! I want to plan a party. I also want to plant an avocado tree/plant, so check in with me in 15 years and I will have avocados for you lol! I honestly don't know what to say right now but thank you! I will be doing a lot of gratitude baking so check in for updates!